11幅很棒的同性恋群体壁画 & Memorials in San Francisco | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
胡安妮塔多! 在J. 曼努埃尔·卡莫纳和吉列尔梅·莱梅斯卡多斯·席尔瓦,格罗夫斯坦纳街
胡安妮塔多! 在J. 曼努埃尔·卡莫纳和吉列尔梅·莱梅斯卡多斯·席尔瓦,格罗夫斯坦纳街 图片来源:Fred Rowe

11幅很棒的同性恋群体壁画 & Memorials in San Francisco

同性恋群体群体的历史在贝博体彩app随处可见. Here's our guide to some of the best murals and memorials.

San Francisco is a city with 编织在织物中的艺术. 这是一个庆祝历史,并努力保护其众多社区的独特身份的地方, 其中大多数都有独特的彩虹风味,这是由其庞大比例的同性恋群体居民和游客创造的. This has often been through colorful 街头艺术,壁画,以及指定地标.

Here's how to check just a few of the best.

Harvey Milk Mural and Plaza

Harvey Milk is one of San Francisco’s most famed gay sons. 前市政监督员, the first openly gay man elected to office in California, 1978年被暗杀, just months after taking up his role. His story is told in the 2008, Oscar-winning movie Milk. 你会在18街和卡斯特罗街的咖啡馆里找到这幅与众不同的壁画. 它由巴拉圭艺术家Oz Montania绘制,并于2018年亮相.

Harvey Milk Plaza is San Francisco’s 卡斯特罗 Muni Metro subway stop. The 卡斯特罗 Muni Metro station was opened in 1980, and its associated transit plaza was renamed in 1985. 你不能错过它:一个巨大的彩虹旗在它上面飘扬,几乎在城市的任何地方都可以看到. At the top of a nearby building that overlooks the Plaza, 米尔克的名言, “希望永远不会沉默,” are immortalized in bright lights that shine each night.

The Harvey Milk mural by Oz Montania
The Harvey Milk mural by Oz Montania Credit: Jay Galvin/Flickr, via CreativeCommons2.0

这位立法者和同性恋群体权利英雄在该市的其他地方也有纪念活动. In 2019, 贝博体彩app国际机场重新开放,重新整修了1号航站楼,并将其更名为哈维·米尔克1号航站楼. 2020年3月,航站楼推出了一个永久性的显示屏,突出了米尔克生活中的图像.

Inside 哈维牛奶码头
哈维牛奶码头. 信贷:贝博体彩app


2014年10月,贝博体彩app公共工程部在卡斯特罗区安装了引人注目的彩虹人行横道. Quite distinctive from rainbow crosswalks in other cities, the design was decided by a public vote held earlier that year. A popular spot for selfies, 你会在卡斯特罗街和第18街的交叉处看到四条人行横道.

The 卡斯特罗’s distinctive rainbow crosswalks.
The 卡斯特罗’s distinctive rainbow crosswalks.


如果你想看看 卡斯特罗, do swing by 粉红三角公园. 这是美国第一个纪念二战中受纳粹迫害的同性恋者的纪念碑. 4,000-square-foot park sits above the 卡斯特罗 Street Station, across from Harvey Milk Plaza, and features triangular granite columns, dedicated to the tens of thousands killed. The park was dedicated in 2001.


"Gear Up" outside Moby Dick

这幅新壁画于2020年出现在卡斯特罗标志性的长期经营的同性恋酒吧莫比迪克外面. Painted by local Haitian-American artist 小谢尔盖·盖伊., it features a leather jacket adorned with pins depicting black, 酷儿的英雄, 包括詹姆斯·鲍德温, 拜亚特。, 玛莎·P. 约翰逊. You’ll find it on the corner of 18th and Hartford streets, in the heart of San Francisco’s 同性恋群体 district. It was created as part of the 卡斯特罗 艺术 Project (CAP).

Serge 同性恋 Jr painting his mural last year
Serge 同性恋 Jr painting his mural last year 信贷:@antonodon


这些窗板去年由贝博体彩app艺术家Tanya Wischerath与卡斯特罗艺术项目(卡斯特罗 艺术 Project)和艺术主义项目(Project Artivism)合作装饰. You can find them at 鼓起勇气沙龙 hairdressers (4147 19th St.). They celebrate the late activist Martha P. 约翰逊 and homeless advocate Margo Antonetty.

Art by Tanya Wischerath in the 卡斯特罗
Art by Tanya Wischerath in the 卡斯特罗 提供信贷:


The National AIDS Memorial Grove can be found in Golden Gate Park. 它诞生于1989年,当时这座城市正处于艾滋病的肆虐之中. 它的目的是为那些受艾滋病毒影响和失去亲人的人提供一个治疗庇护所. 它仍然是一个美丽的林地洞穴,值得探索,也是一个安静沉思的地方. As you find yourself walking beneath the fronds of giant ferns, 你会发现许多岩石上刻着那些死于艾滋病的人的名字.


胡安妮塔多! 壁画

变装皇后,派对经理,活动家,慈善家胡安妮塔·莫尔! 她是贝博体彩app最受欢迎的居民之一,以至于人们为她绘制了不止一幅,而是六幅不同的街头壁画!

You’ll find her immortalized in SoMa (Elliott C. Nathan‘s Loads of Love at the Powerhouse), the 卡斯特罗 (by J. Manuel Carmona, outside Unionmade), Polk Gulch (by 小谢尔盖·盖伊(在Fern和Polk街的Lush Lounge的外部),Grove的Steiner Street (J. 曼纽尔·卡莫纳(Manuel Carmona)和Guilherme Lemes Cardoso e Silva),以及位于14街502号的SPARC重新开业的Love Shack店外., in the Mission (again by 同性恋 Jnr.).

胡安妮塔多! J. Manuel Carmona at 18th Street at Sanchez
胡安妮塔多! J. Manuel Carmona at 18th Street at Sanchez


2017年,贝博体彩app批准了康普顿的跨性别区,成为世界上第一个拥有合法指定跨性别区的城市, 女同性恋, 同性恋, and Bisexual (TLGB) District.

它位于田德隆区,靠近前康普顿自助餐厅的旧址. 1966年,警方突袭该场馆时,这里曾是同性恋群体人群起义的场所, three years before Stonewall. The district is marked with transgender street markings. 去年, it also made headlines when a large mural, created by artists Xara Thustra, 森门德斯, 和Kin Folkz, was painted on the road stating “Black Trans Lives Matter.”

黑人跨性别者的生命很重要. Credit: @transgenderdistrict

Lower Polk Street and Polk Gulch

比如使命, Polk Gulch是贝博体彩app另一个传统上街头艺术丰富的社区. It’s also been dubbed San Francisco’s “first gay neighborhood,从20世纪50年代到70年代末,这里一派繁荣景象,后来卡斯特罗家族的光芒盖过了这里. 街头艺术可能不像以前那么同性恋了,但街头艺术仍在蓬勃发展. 这是我最近的一篇文章 小谢尔盖·盖伊, found on Post Street and Larkin Street.

Mural by 小谢尔盖·盖伊 at Polk Street and Larkin Street
Mural by 小谢尔盖·盖伊 at Polk Street and Larkin Street


妇女大厦是一个由妇女领导的非营利艺术和教育社区中心,位于第18街. 它的三层立面上覆盖着详细的艺术品,颂扬女性领袖和女性偶像. 这幅壁画名为《贝博体彩》,是1994年由7位女艺术家创作的. 除了艺术品上的人物,它还写有600名女性的书法名字. It is one of the city’s biggest and best-known public artworks.


号角巷位于Mission街和Valencia街以及17街和18街之间. 它以 许多壁画 painted by the 号角巷 Mural Project (CAMP). Many of these are political in nature, touching upon the area's history, the challenges faced by the local Latinx community, and how the neighborhood has been changing. This small, unique alley attracts around 200,000 visitors a year.


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